
Adventures in AOM

Speaker: Rob Dodson
Twitter: @rob_dodson

What is AOM?

Filling in the gaps in ARIA

Attribute and property parity

setAttribute('role', ...);
<my-element aria-label="Hi">  

A possible solution for labeling Shadow DOM? (read more)





<star-rating min="0" max"3" ...>


<star-rating min="0" max"3 aria-valuemin="0" max="5" aria-valuemax="5" ...>

I want my components to have default semantics

classStarRating extends HTMLElement {

customElements.define("star-rating", StarRating, {
role: "slider",
ariaValueMin: min,
ariaValueMax: max,
ariaValueNow: val,
ariaValueText = `${val} stars`
<star-rating role="button" >
.. If role is removed, it will default to basic



` [http://bit.ly/default-semantics](http://bit.ly/default-semantics) ## Does it work on a phone? - Not at the moment! - role="slider" asks to use volume buttons - For events like increment, decrement, dismiss, scrollPageUp, scrollPageDown, ... ### Solution 1: - Map actions to DOM events? ### Solution 2: - Add new inputEvent types ### Proposed: - Virtual accessibility nodes [see photos in phone] ### How baked is this? - ARIA 1.2 properties: - fairly baked - Custom element semantics - waiting to be baked - User action events - a tricky bake (can't label users using AT) - Virtual accessibility nodes - baking! - Computer accessible nodes - dessert (low priority) - *TPAC will happen next week * ## AOM project link [http://github.com/wicg/aom](http://github.com/wicg/aom)