
Time for some action! Fractions of Friction

Speaker: Bryce Johnson
Twitter: @brycej

I believe, you may disagree

Long term motivations for a11y accommodations built of equity alone re not sustainable

I personally believe the path through inclusive design is actually mainstream innovation.


We have to recognize that we created a barrier when creating new controlers.

Matt May - Head of inclusive design at Adobe

OCAD Inclusive design

[insert definition]

Inclusive Design

[include Definition by Susan Goltsman - Inclusive Design]


It’s vital that game designers create contextual remapping. Tomb Raider, having facilitator (options for difficulty levels)


Accessibility features of hyperdot are amazing, but they could have been better.

Halo 3

Watch this project https://twitter.com/superblindman https://twitter.com/sightlessKombat/status/1184936254846181376?s=20

What if we get audio description from the perspective of one the other characters?

Where can this go?

3 principles for Universal Design for Learning (UDL):

What’s the experience when you are in your home vs watching a video in a bus? (no headphones)

I’m not saying that striving for a11y is bad, I’m saying

Engage and listen to people (>1), doing exactly what one person says may steer you in the wrong direction.

Collaborate to identify unmet needs, it is not the responsibility of the community to articulate them.

[insert photo from phone]
