
The New Normal

Hardware, platforms & middleware


New Controler Game Control Mixer new hardware for switches TrustMaster new controler fully customizable.

The Xbox adaptive controler was released this year After the hardware was release (Xbox adaptive controller) Article: Microsof’ts moving Xbox ad was the best thing about the Super Bowl, by Mark serrels [FIND URL] Super bowl is watch by ##XXX## million people, This brought many people to speak, tweet about a11y all over the world.

Super bowl ad was the first time that some people thought about a11y.

Chat Transcription (relased by PS) convert speach to text

Nintendo Switch released also new a11y funtionalities


Yellow Subs Machine


Is there’s one thing to focus on game designing for a11y is increase the font size. The insdustry needs to make prgress on this. In the same way the web usability, the game industry nees to move to scalable UI across board.

Lots of companies are inviting people with disabilities to their offices to design & test games.

The info can also flow from developers to gamers. Both these articles were published before the game release

Google Play Games added a filter for Blind-Friendly players.



Both these games were build by same person. So if one developer can do it, can you imagine what multi million dollar games can do?

GAmes that have include a11y features include: RDR2, Fifa20, division two, Mortal combat 11, Devil May cry… etc

In 2015 Desitiny added just 1 a11y support in their game


I was skeptical about this, because all that has been done in a11y in game, was done by the people’s passion. I was worried that this legislation was going to replace the desire to five people a good experience with resentment of being forced to.

More about the legislation CV AA http://tinyurl.com/ih-dmcvaa

Accessibility is the new normal, is not feasable to be launcing a game in 2019 or 2020 without thinking about #a11y

Common a11y issues in games

4 most common a11y issues are not being address by one single game today

a11y is a viable career path and the needs for someone with a11y expertise is going to be needed.