Developing WCAG 3.0
Speaker: Jeanne Spellman
twitter: @jspellman
- WCAG 3.0 include technology beyond web
- WCAG 3.0 includes digital publishing, mobile apps
- WCAG 3 won’t be finished probably in 3 years
- WACG 3 wants to address a broader audience (more than developers)
- WCAG is ambiguos, different SME can read to different conclusions
- WCAG has a steep learning curve
- AAA Levels made some dissabilities to be unsopported (as for example hard of hearing)
- Human Testing make it very difficult for large websites
- Draft:
- Simple Language
- Filter
- Find info by role
- Provide entry point for newbies
- Critical error is an accessibility problem that will stop a user from being able to complete a process
- Items that will stop a user from being able to complete the task if they exis anywhere (flashing, keyboard)
- Errors that when located within a process means the process cannot be complete (button without keyboard tab order)
- Aggregated errors (large amount of tabs, confusing language)
Important links1